Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Exercise Concept design Legal


Research and answer the following questions.

What is copyright law?

Copyright is the law which grants the creator of an original work exclusive rights to its use and distribution, it enables the creator to get compensation for their intellectual effort.


What is Libel?

 Libel is a published false information that is harmful to someone’s reputation.


How are female characters represented in Games?

Normally not as independent characters, they may be strong (Lara croft (Tomb Raider 2013) or Elise (Assassins creed Unity) but at some point rely on a male to save them. Even arguably one of gaming’s most iconic badass females Samus Aran was turned into a bland character who took orders from a man. If they are not taking orders or being saved, they are usually overly sexualised (Dead or Alive, Bayonetta to name a few). It seems we are going backwards in the representation of females, and although I agree that there needs to be more independent lead roles that are filled by females, the current model works…. And it doesn’t really need to be changed.

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